Letters To Friends, quite simply, are letters from me to you, my friends. They’re an open invitation to play together in this game of life, and my most sincere attempt at finding pen pals from around the world.

Who am I?

I don't wish for your impression of me to be defined by the work that I do, nor of who I currently am in this static moment of time. Over the last few years I have found myself changing so much and so frequently that I've learnt to view identity as an iterative experience of ones dynamic self. Instead of telling you who I am in this very moment, let me rather share with you who I am becoming. 

I'm becoming someone who is learning to listen for deeper truths. Someone who plays with the intelligences of their body, heart and mind. Someone who is open and vulnerable to new ideas and experiences, but is connected to their own path and doesn't get too swept up into the complex lives of others. I'm becoming someone who doesn't take life so seriously, and knows that the best way to learn is through play.

I'm becoming someone who brings compassion into the world, and I know now that starts with learning how to be more compassionate with my self. This is what gives me the space and safety to test new ideas in old worlds, and old ideas in new worlds.

I'm becoming someone who carries their fear with them, and knows that creativity takes risks and bold steps into the unknown.

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A trail in the sand of my explorations as a creative wildling.


re-emerging from the shadows with light ✨